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24/02/2010 17:32

I have just returned from a color analysis appointment with a wonderful lady - Aileen Lane of Nutri Style. It was a 2hr season (2-4pm) but we finished it slightly past 4pm. It was one of the best session where I actually walked out feeling great as though some mystery has been solved.

There was 02 of us - me and another lady from Malaysia named Kristina. Firstly we went through a foundation test where Aileen applied 2 swatches of a pink based foundation and a yellow based foundation on the back of hands. The yellow toned fondation blended well into my skin thus indicating that I could be a warm toned.

The second analysis was via our eyes where you had to determine if you have pink or peach colored veins. Well I had peach colored vein and that further confirmed that I was leaning towards being warm toned.

The third analysis was done by using drapes of different colors - like gold, silver, red, blue, yellow to actually determine my season and after an interesting process, I was confirmed as a SPRING - as the french says PRINTEMPS.

  • Low level of contrast between hair and skin tone
  • Clear, warm and golden undertones

I have read about color analysis before and with all the information that I had gathered, I had thought myself to be a winter. Boy I was wrong and this color analysis was one of the best things that has happened to me.And the best part that the spring palette has so many beautiful colors to explore with, and that's not the end. You have accessories and shawls to mix and match. The information I gained was just so overwhelming and I am so excited to start my day tomorrow where I am going to pick colors of Spring.

I received a personal color fan of my season as well as a color wheel and a booklet with full information on my season. The color fan is so useful as you can bring it along with you for your next shopping trip and rest assure that you won't make the same mistake again.

Some celebrities of the Spring season are Ashley Olsen, Charlize Theron, Heidi Klum, Nicole Richie and Beyoncé Knowles.

The personality traits of a Spring - Friendly, energetic, optimistic, curious, witty, smiling


If you are keen in getting a color analysis done for yourself, I would highly recommend Aileen Lane @ Nutristyle. A beautiful and patient lady who really takes her time to explain to you and is so ever ready to take on any of your questions. She ensures that you have obtained full information.

30 Bideford Road, Orchard,
#18-02 Thong Sia Building,
Singapore 229922.

Tel : +65 68875220