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PERSONAL REVIEW: Bee Luscious Shaving Cream for Women

29/01/2010 20:07

What:Bee Luscious Shaving Cream for women 

How Much: US$8.95

Review: *****


After using this product for about 2 months, I decided that it was time to do a review for this particular shaving cream that I have been impressed with.I had been searching for a good shaving cream for quite awhile as I was not quite satisfied with the Gilette that I was trying out. It was not that effective and I kept getting these hurting red bumps and nicks at times. Initially,I thought that the venus razor I was using was at fault so I switched to another brand however the problem persisted. A friend suggested that I use shower gel which worked fine but my skin ends up drier than usual. It was quite fustrating and therefore I decided to do abit of search on the internet. I came across youtube video by Emily Noel where she and her husband (really cute and a darling couple)gives their opinion about the Bee Luscious shaving cream. ( I have attached their video below) Apparently Bee Luscious has one for her and one for him. Following their positive review, I decided to go ahead and try it out, well why not, the price was rather reasonable.

The cream contains active ingredients that helps to penetrate below the skin's suface so as to prevent the razor bumps and it is enriched with natural royal jelly. With the cream, you are not only able to shave smoothly,your skin feels well moisturised.

This shaving cream is not your typical shaving cream. It comes in a white tub or container with a screw off lid and weighs 120ml. It is wonderfully scented and heavily textured. It does not lathers at all like the other creams and it does not require water.

I usually shave my armpits and the bottom half leg. After applying a thin layer, I started to shave and I was really pleased as there was no redness and no nicks. The shaving cream also doubles off as a moisturiser. My legs felt so wonderfully smooth and soft. As promised,it does not irritate the skin or no razor bumps etc.  The same went for my armpits, the shaving process was so smooth and easy. This product is really long lasting and a little bit goes a long way though the instruction says "apply freely". I usually shave every 3 days. It is already 2 months and I still have 1/2 of it left and I believe it will last me for another 02 months.

I am very impressed and I'll definitely purchase this again.For US$8.95,this was a real reasonable buy considering the fact that this product will last you for more than 2 months. I am intending to purchase the shaving cream for men as well for my husband after having a good experience myself.

You can consider getting one as a gift for your boyfriend/fiance or husband. Good Luck!!!